Here are so many icicles. The river is going through the town. I am trying to cover it (glue) with snow (salt) to make ice. I am having a snow storm
— Be, age 5

Untitled, 2023. Glue, paint, salt on canvas.

2 | A world of glue: When we come back from winter break the slime also takes a break, but not the glue. As we begin to explore watercolors… and add salt to the watercolor and then clear glue. We eventually add white paint to the glue and shaving cream. We play with white puffy paint, clear glue and salt. And the children begin to tell stories while they create. They make roads and rivers, snow and icicles on small blue canvases.

Then the canvas gets a little bigger and then it gets EVEN bigger! The children start by painting it one color, they choose blue. Once the entire canvas is blue, they ask for some puffy paint and sprinkles (salt). They use the puffy paint and glue on the canvas with salts. Over the next few weeks children layer glue and salt on the large canvas. While most children add… others remove, peeling off layers of glue, salt and paint to make “slime” then they reattach the layers with more glue.

We pulled the picture apart and now we made another picture
— Li, age 5

Serendipitous Slime:


Lots of Paper